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Is your workplace compliant with SafeWork’s Code of Practice on Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work?

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What’s all the fuss about?

Do You Know What Social And Emotional Stressors Are Impacting The Mental Health and Performance Of Your Team?

LISTEN UP, Leaders, Business Owners, HR Managers and WHS Managers

Here is the deal – we know your time is valuable and your resources are limited BUT this is too important not to talk about.
So we’re just going to dive in.

Psychosocial Hazards are the social and emotional stressors that come from the design or management of the work or from interactions with others that cause psychological or physical harm. Organisations must eliminate psychosocial risks in the workplace, or if that is not possible, minimise these risks so far as is reasonably practicable and for good reason….

Mental Health

The Alarming Statistics

Work-related mental health conditions have become a major concern in Australian workplaces due to the negative impact on individual workers, and the costs associated with the long periods away from work. As reported by Safe Work Australia:

In 2020-2021, 9% of serious workers’ compensation claims were attributed to mental health conditions.
The most common causes cited for claims regarding mental health conditions were workplace harassment or bullying (27.5%), work pressure (25.2%), and exposure to workplace or occupational violence (16.4%).
Between the years 2017-2018 to 2021-2022, the majority of claims for mental health conditions attributed them to mental stress, accounting for 92% of cases.
Mental health conditions are linked to increased loss of productivity, with an average time lost due to mental health conditions amounting to approximately 34.2 working weeks per serious claim.

Workplaces that do not adequately manage psychosocial hazards can incur significant human, legal and financial costs. What is it costing your workplace?


Everyday Workplace Hazards

Your workplace is not immune to these hazards nor the obligations and compliance requirements that come along with them! Do you REALLY know how many of these exist in your workplace? What would your people say?

Job Demands
Low Job Control
Poor Support
Lack of Role Clarity
Poor Organisational Change Management
Inadequate Reward and Recognition
Poor Organisational Justice
Traumatic Events or Material
Remote or Isolated Work
Poor Physical Environment
Harassment Including Sexual Harassment
Conflict or Poor Workplace Relationships and Interactions


Burnt Out Or Just Exhausted?

The World Health Organization defined burnout in 2019 as a workplace phenomenon, and since then many countries around the world came together to create a new international standard for protecting workers from burnout (ISO 45003). In this standard there is a lot more detail about what occurs in workplaces and risks that exist to people’s mental health and wellbeing. It is the organisation’s job to minimise or eliminate those risks as far as is reasonably practical.

It is YOUR responsibility to identify if your people are burnt out or just exhausted. That’s where we fit in. It’s what we do, all day, every day. Work with leaders like YOU.

You can’t abdicate your responsibilities to another leader in your workplace and hope they’ve got it covered. Or simply download the Code of Practice and hope that’s enough. Or cross your fingers and hope that in the future you can come up with a solution for burnout whilst you put your head in the sand today!


Burnt Out Or Just Exhausted?

The World Health Organization defined burnout in 2019 as a workplace phenomenon, and since then many countries around the world came together to create a new international standard for protecting workers from burnout (ISO 45003). In this standard there is a lot more detail about what occurs in workplaces and risks that exist to people’s mental health and wellbeing. It is the organisation’s job to minimise or eliminate those risks as far as is reasonably practical.

It is YOUR responsibility to identify if your people are burnt out or just exhausted. That’s where we fit in. It’s what we do, all day, every day. Work with leaders like YOU.

You can’t abdicate your responsibilities to another leader in your workplace and hope they’ve got it covered. Or simply download the Code of Practice and hope that’s enough. Or cross your fingers and hope that in the future you can come up with a solution for burnout whilst you put your head in the sand today!

We’ve Helped 1000+ Leaders Proactively Reduce Burnout, Consult with and Boost The Performance of Their Teams!

We Get It.

Some of you are pressing pause, putting psychosocial hazards on HOLD while you wait and see what happens with everything or until you learn more about it. Or because you are concentrating on other pressing workplace issues until you can breathe again OR because you don’t see a lot of hope for your workplace.
We get that many of you feel fatigued. But we’re here to tell you that pressing pause, waiting to see what’s happening, popping your head in the sand OR stumbling forward hoping you’re doing enough is costing you.
It’s time to get moving and become empowered to successfully create a culture of care and safety for your team!

Awareness Co. Are Your Preferred HR Partner for Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work

As a trusted partner, our Consultants have the skills, experience and expertise to help you proactively transform workplace wellbeing at a individual, team and organisational level. By working together we understand the hazards that are impacting your people and support their wellbeing at the same time.

Year Established
Years of Combined Experience
Workplaces Transformed
Focus Groups

Awards and Recognition

Results You’ll Get

Here’s What Your Workplace Could Achieve By Working With Us!

Leaders and workplaces that promote psychologically healthy workplaces and identify and manage psychosocial hazards and factors experience the following when partnering with us:

Ease the Leadership Load

We help you ensure that your obligations are met using effective consultation methods and practical micro-doses of wellbeing, leadership action and interventions.

Empower Employees

We empower your employees by providing a safe space for them to speak out and provide solutions to common workplace hazards.

Navigate and Facilitate

Our trusted facilitators are skilled at helping employees navigate complex workplace conflict situations.

Relationship Building

Build and strengthen relationships between individuals, teams and organisational departments.

Build Culture

Empowered employees and strong relationships create resilient teams that build a culture of engagement.

Analyse and Report

Our data-driven analysis identifies systemic trends and risks to help leaders make informed decisions.

Mitigate Risk

Our best practice workplace consultation solutions helps businesses anticipate and avoid risk, litigation and reputational damage.

Reduce Formal Complaints

Early intervention can reduce the number of formal complaints, saving managers and leaders valuable time managing and resolving workplace conflict.

Reduce Costs

A reduction in formal complaints and early hazard identification and intervention means that workers compensations claims and time off may be avoided, and the return to work may be quicker!

Your Next Steps

Here’s How We Can Get You There

It’s time to take action, meet your legal requirements and increase your confidence when it comes to creating cultures of safety and care in your workplace.

1. Awareness

Speak to us to understand your obligations to provide your employees with a safe place and systems of work then we’ll help you get started.

2. Consultation

Providing the forum to speak to your employees in a safe environment to identify risks and stressors in an independent, impartial and confidential manner.

3. Strategic Action

We provide you with an Insights Report to enable you to formulate risk mitigation plans with effective control measures which manage the identified risks as far as reasonably practicable.

3. Strategic Action

We provide you with an Insights Report to enable you to formulate risk mitigation plans with effective control measures which manage the identified risks as far as reasonably practicable.


Here’s what others have to say

Here’s All You Need To Know

Frequently Asked Questions

The Code of Practice suggests that you identify these stressors by consulting with your people, using surveys and tools, observing work and behaviours, looking at data, trends and insights available.

Every workplace does! The Code of Practice says you must identify all reasonably foreseeable psychosocial hazards arising from the work carried out by your business.

Complete the online Workplace Stress Test to find out how you score when it comes to knowing your obligations and stressors that might be present in your workplace. Then chat with us and let us ease your stress immediately as we work through the next steps together to get you started.

To get a glimpse of what to expect, check out this video.

Yes, consultation with workers is a legal requirement regardless of the size of your business or your industry.

We conduct externally facilitated focus groups with your staff to identify real life experiences of workplace stressors as an independent, impartial party in a confidential and informal way.

Absolutely, you are in business for growth…right! Our consultants work side by side with leaders, business owners and HR professionals to turn innovative ideas into action through providing strategic oversight and actionable plans that get results.